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Maxsamba 78ft sloopOwner, Michael McGowan spent years as a merchant seaman and promised himself that he would one day sail oceans free of other people's schedules. Together with his wife Lynne, Maxsamba evolved. Maxsamba, named after their children: Max, Sam and Amber.

Maxsamba was built suitable for sailing in extreme locations. She has an aluminium hull and an aluminium mast. Her pilothouse allows good visibility and her steering station is sheltered. The stairway from the pilothouse has a stainless steel balustrade which leads forward and down to the saloon.

Having spent some time in Hong Kong, Michael and Lynne decided to apply the art of Feng Shui to Maxsamba to obtain a balance of space and light.

Super Yacht MaxsambaThere are five heads, one for the crew cabin, one for each guest cabin, one day head and one for the Owner's cabin.

click on sailing photo to enlarge

Forward is a two-bunk crew cabin, and two identical guest cabins, one port and one starboard.

Aluminium constructed yachtThe galley sole is one step lower than the saloon but remains central. Maxsamba's powerhouse is beneath the cockpit, with switchboards nearby.

Upon completion Maxsamba headed for the Whitsunday Islands, off the Great Barrier Reef, the Seychelles, followed by a trip to Malta where she stayed for the winter.

click on photos below to enlarge
Maxsamba Dining Maxsamba owners cabin Maxsamba - Cruising aluminium yacht

Project Details
Type of yacht 78ft Van der Stadt sloop
Designed by Van der Stadt
Owner Michael and Lynne McGowan
Interior Design Andrew Winch
Built 2000
Builder Kelly Archer Boatbuilders Ltd
LOA 78.5ft (23.6m)
LWL 64.4ft (19.5m)
Beam 18.5ft (5.6m)
Draft 10ft (3.0m)
Displacement 60 tons (half load)
Ballast 19 tons
Engine John Deere 250hp engine
Sails North Sails, Auckland
Mast Alloy - Matrix Masts 34.5m height
Marten Spars - NZ, Leisure Furl, Carbon Fibre
Rigging Marten Spars - Navtec Rod Rigging
Furling System Genoa and staysail - Harken
Leisure furl Marten Spars
Winches Lewmar / Maxwell hydraulic 4000
Maxsamba - Main Saloon Maxsamba Galley

site copyright to Kelly Archer boatbuilders @ 2003